Bettas are graceful, vibrant, and make an excellent addition to any fish aquarium. While they make excellent companions, caution should be given before introducing them to your tank due to their proclivity for fighting!
Betta fish are extremely territorial and may be quite aggressive, w hich frequently results in fight to death with your aquarium’s other creatures. Below is a laid out guide for e verything you need to know about adopting one of these stunning fish, why they are fighting and how to minimize the likelihood of their fighting.
Betta fish are also known as siamese fighting fish attributed to their temperament and behavior. They are members of the gourami family and are found across SE Asia, mainly in Golden Triangle, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and Laos. This is due to the fact that the Betta Fish is indigenous to the Mekong River, which crosses those countries.
Betta fish are especially well-known for their vibrant colors and exquisite body structure. They feature long, fan-shaped fins that are certain to catch the attention of everyone who sees them. Bettas come in a variety of colors, including blue, purple, red, emerald, orange, and black.
Some fishkeepers also show multi-color Siamese fighting fish, which come in over 40 different color and pattern combos.
Unlike other fish, bettas may be kept in smaller fish tanks or a bowl, but they are sensitive to a variety of conditions such as water ph and temperature levels.
They like water temperatures between 24.5 to 26.5 Celcius or 76°F-80°F, and a pH of 7.0 is recommended. While bettas have demonstrated a remarkable ability to survive in untidy aquaculture farms or at varying pH levels, it is strongly advised that they be kept in a comfortable and healthy habitat. This helps to reduce the risk of contracting infections and diseases.
Betta fish grow to a maximum size of 7cm (2.8 inches) and have a lifetime of approximately three and five years. However, if properly cared for, they may live to be seven or eight years old.
Signs of Fighting in Betta Fish
Gill flaring, ramming and fin nipping are by far the most typical indicators of betta combat fighting. Even if you don’t directly observe your betta fighting aggressively, you may notice other signs or movements such as missing scales, ripped fins, or increased hiding. Drowsiness, poor appetite, protracted hiding intervals, and abrupt death are all major indicators. If you are attempting to keep betta fish together and notice signs of battling, you should split the fish.
Due to the length of flowing fins of betta fish, “fin rot” or frayed fins is a typical concern. Usually, this is a symptom of an underlying sickness and a malfunctioning immune system or chronic inflammation of the betta. A further frequent source of fin injuries is stacking decor items that can cause betta fins to rip.
Why Do Betta Fish Fight?
Betta fish species, commonly called Siamese Fighting Fish, are naturally aggressive. Males fight on-sight for a variety of reasons, one of which is that they have evolved into extremely territorial creatures in the wild. Their natural environment frequently contains little food supplies, which the fish must contend for, and they will fiercely defend their region’s food sources.
Multiple male bettas cannot be housed in the same aquarium due to the radically differing habitat. Due to their tribal nature and the lack of suitable hiding spots, male bettas would bite and battle to death. Male Betta fish’s natural fighting instincts will also take place as they defend their bubble nests and the laid eggs contained therein. Male bettas aim to lure females with their built nest, and other males in their region may jeopardize their prospects of reproducing successfully.
Another reason betta fish fight is sudden terror. They can be frightened by sudden movements, particularly those of larger fish with long fins and tails. While this is somewhat less worrisome, it is worth remembering that vibrant colors might also cause similar response.
Stress may also play a role in male betta battling. Alteration in the water’s chemistry might be stressful for your siamese fighting fish. Another cause of anxiety is changing tank furnishings, which may disrupt an acquired area.
Whereas male betta fish are notorious to brawl on-sight, they are also capable of becoming violent against female bettas, w Which is why numerous betta caretakers would separate females and males unless it is a mating period.
In the scenario of betta female versus male, the male’s expanding gills and fins may be a form of seduction. Females in a community or sorority tank might be hostile toward one another unless a social order is formed. Once the hierarchy of the school is established, female bettas are typically more tranquil than their boys counterparts.
How Do Betta Fish Fight?
Betta fish fights typically begin with two males flapping their gills and fins to make themselves appear more frightening. This may be sufficient in certain circumstances, and one fish will withdraw from the other.
If the gills and fins show off fails, the bettas conflict escalates to pecking. Your boys will orbit each other, nibbling at the fins and tails of their opponents. This will persist until one male flees, if there is space available.
A Betta fish battle might last either a few seconds or several minutes. Although, years of hybridization have lessened the aggression of certain store-bought bettas, they will almost always agitate one another. Those freshwater fish that have been bred specifically for Betta fish fighting will always demonstrate a significant degree of aggression regardless of the conditions.
Do Betta Fish Fight To Death?
Betta fish fighting is not always fatal. Non-deadly fighting occurs more frequently in tanks equipped with several hiding spots and enough space.
In plenty of other instances, males will combat until their rival is wounded. This could also be non-fatal if the duel is terminated promptly.Occasionally, though, a fight between two male bettas in a tank can devolve into a struggling fight to death. Due to their inherent hostility and generations of breeding to compete in a betta fish battle (mainly in Thailand), skirmishes involving two males are frequently a fight to death.
Do Male And Female Betta Fish Fight?
Outside of mating, males will be hostile toward females, and you must consider spliting the genders separate if you are not breeding your siamese fighting fish. Male bettas are quite antagonistic and will battle females except when they’re seeking for a mating partner. All that being said, because females aren’t as aggresively violent, it’s feasible to keep them alongside providing the aquarium is big enough and the betta girl has lots of hiding spots and space to swim away.
When placing a male betta and female betta together, it’s crucial to always be on the alert for reproductive activities. Once the male is set for mating, he’ll construct a bubble nest on the water’s surface. Just after betta female drops the eggs, the male normally runs her off so she does not consume them before hatching.
Boy bettas are very hostile when guarding the nest thus it’s a wise move to separate the female at that period from the tank. If not, there’s a high possibility the male killing her.
Do Bettas Fight Other Fish?
Bettas will engage in combat with companion fish, however this does not mean they will engage a fight with every fish mate they encounter.
If some other fish you keep beside your betta exhibit male betta features, they are extremely prone to strike their companion. Any fish with vibrant colors that is roughly the same size as a betta may be misinterpreted with another male betta, which will almost certainly result in a fight event. Tiny, monochromic fish that the betta does not perceive as a challenge are typically secure, particularly if they have plenty of hiding spots. If done correctly, a betta may thrive in a community shared aquarium.
To keep other species alongside betta, the initial step is to determine the betta’s true aggressiveness. Every betta has a unique personality, and a few are far more easy going than others.
How do you know you’re getting a non-aggressive betta fish? Begin by examining them closely while they are in the pet store.
Bettas are housed in tiny tanks that are frequently stacked upon one another. They are surrounded by other bettas and/or other potential bright fish.
Take note of their actions. Is there a male who looks to be in a state of agitation? Are either of them concerned by the presence of another fish? Select a betta that does not blow its gills or flare its fins when it sees other freshwater fish.
The objective is to select a betta that will avoid confrontation rather than instigate one. Selecting a fish that appears peaceful at the local pet shop is a fine place to start, but bear in mind that this does not ensure that it will thrive in a community aquarium.
As a result, exercise careful investigations while picking tank mates for your male Japanese fighting fish buddy, such as goldfish. Exclude creatures with extended fins and a disproportionately huge tail. Fish who do not possess these behaviors may make good tank buddies for your betta and contribute to a tranquil community tank.
How To Avoid And Stop Fighting In Your Betta Tank?
Housing only one male in the aquarium is an excellent strategy to minimize fights. Avoiding betta fish mates with lengthy fins and tails, as well as those with brilliant colors, has also been suggested as a technique to avoid fish fights. Are there any other methods for reducing the fighting impulses of bettas?
One of several principal concerns for you will be the tank’s size. Betta fish are often less hostile if they have adequate space to establish their zone. Additionally, more space will deter other fish from swimming in that region indefinitely after it is secured.
Moreover, greater space gives fish mates the spacing they require for escapes in the event of a betta fighting behavior. Likewise, bigger fish tanks provide more space for hiding spots. Larger tanks are more steady, which alleviates stress caused by rapidly swinging water parameters.
Therefore, you should give many hiding places for the betta and the companion fish in your tank. Concealing spots provide a sense of security for the fish, lowering their stress levels. They can also assist spliting the tank space by providing specific spots for the fish to wander, diverting their attention away from one another.
In the tropical freshwater aquarium trade, there are various hostile fish species, and the more antagonistic species may irritate or peck on your Betta fish. Putting your siamese fighting fish with friendly type of fish will also help to reduce their inherent aggression.
How To Make Betta Fish Fight?
Bettas have a long history of being raised as competing fighters in their home nation of Thailand. Measurements of competitive bouts have revealed that fish grown in seclusion, without contact with other bettas, are more violent and compete for a longer duration.
By understanding why betta fish fight, you should have a decent notion of how to encourage two bettas to fight. Owners who want to create the ambiance of a fight club while also safeguarding their fish frequently maintain two or maybe more males in the same aquarium with transparent separators that allow males to see each other. Alternatively, different tanks can be kept adjacent to one another to get the same result.
Siamese fighting fish species are very clever and amenable to training. Numerous aquarists are aware that they can educate their betta to chase their fingers and eat off their hands. This ability allows users to shape and learn the battling tendencies of bettas.
As mentioned previously, one option is to house the competiting bettas adjacent to one another. Additionally, you may use a mirror to enable the fish to witness themselves as they move around in their tank. These motions will maintain betta’s alertness while also allowing it to express its natural display impulses.
Betta instincts will also be enhanced following the construction of males’ bubble nests. They are at a greater level of hostility throughout this time period and will behave more viciously than usual.
Additionally, healthier fish create the ideal siamese fighting fish. Prior to training your betta fish to fight, you need establish sound and safe water conditions. This comprises a properly filtered water filter and appropriate pH and temperature values.
By removing hiding spots and maintaining a rather more open tank, you may raise your betta’s awareness and encourage more combative behaviors. Compact fish aquariums expand their territory within the available area and also encourage them to be more aggressive.
Fighting fish of comparable age and size can also produce reasonable fight club circumstances. Bettas that are smaller will flee more quickly from bigger Betta fish. When teaching your bettas fish to fight, keep in mind that they are inherently violent and excel when in excellent health state.
As with dogfighting, raising fish for this purpose is a serious problem for animal welfare.
Why Male Betta Fight Each Other?
Bettas live in huge river streams and rice paddies during the rainy season in nature, however this does not imply they dawdle exploring open water. Indeed, a betta’s range region in nature is just around 3 square feet (0.28 sq m^2).
Male bettas have plenty of room to establish their private territory in large amounts of water. If another boy betta approaches too closely, they may inflate their gills and stretch their fins in an attempt to establish authority.
When two males come into contact while searching for food, they may nip at each other until either of them quits.
Lots of male bettas absolutely can’t be housed in the same tank due to the drastically diverse habitat. Due to their territorial nature and the lack of suitable hiding places, male bettas would nip and battle to death.
Masculine bettas will battle to defend their nests and eggs as well. Male bettas make a bubble nest on the top of the water when they are ready to breed.
Upon chasing the female away, the boy remains to watch out for the nest and will battle off any bettas he perceives as a threatening danger to the eggs.
How Do Bettas Mate If They’re Always Fighting With Each Other?
They have lots of room to run away from one another in the wild.
The bettas you see in stores (to be bought for betta bowls or tanks) have been genetically developed to be more aggressive and optically flashier, so inciting aggressiveness in other species.
It’s worth noting that females are normally non-aggressive until they’re left alone. Two betta girls will fight, but if five are kept together (in what aquarists refer to as a’sorority tank, they will form a pecking order in which each individual betta knows its spot and will be serene.