Hognose Brochis Facts
Corydoras multiradiatus (Hognose Brochis) is a freshwater fish, native to South America’s Amazon Basin (this comprises the Ucayali and Ambiyacu rivers, as well as the region surrounding Iquitos in western Brazil, southeastern Colombia, eastern Ecuador, and eastern Peru).
The fish’s body reflects a metallic green, blue-green, or even a bluish tint depending on the angle of illumination. The ventral portion is yellowish, with yellowish pectoral, ventral, and anal fins and transparent brownish dorsal, caudal, and adipose fins. Females are bigger and more robust than males, with a pinkish belly as contrast to the males’ golden belly.
Female adult fish tend to be more rounded, possess a higher body shape, and grow a bit larger compared to their male counterparts.
One notable characteristic of these catfish is their rigid pectoral-fin spines, which can pierce human skin, causing a painful sting. It’s essential to handle them with care, as the secretions from the axillary glands at the base of each spine are believed to be mildly toxic or even venomous.. This fish differs from the green/bronze corydoras catfish by its greater size, stouter body, and more pointed snout.
In the wild, Hognose Brochis feed on small invertebrates, insect larvae, and detritus. In an aquarium setting, they will readily accept high-quality sinking pellets, flakes, and frozen or live foods such as brine shrimp and bloodworms.
With proper care, Hognose Brochis can live for 5-7 years in captivity.
Hognose Brochis are peaceful, schooling fish that prefer to be kept in groups of at least 5-6 individuals. They are bottom-dwelling scavengers, using their distinctive snouts to search for food in the substrate.
Hognose Brochis can grow up to 7-8 cm (2.8-3.1 inches) in length, making them slightly larger than many Corydoras species.
By executing a big, somewhat colder water change, mature groups of one male and numerous females may be induced to spawn. The sticky eggs will then be implanted onto plants, décor, or the aquarium’s sides, and the procedure will be repeated. It usually takes 4-5 days for the eggs to hatch, following which the small fry should be given finely powdered first meals. They will be able to take freshly born brineshrimp a few days later.
Many fishkeepers shift the parents to another tank after the eggs have all been placed to prevent predation and guarantee a greater success rate. The young of this species bore little similarity to the adults, with the dorsal fin being much larger and red in coloration, and the body color being extremely mottled. In all means, breeding of Emerald Catfish is a little challenging — try it in soft water.
The Callichthyidae family includes the genus of catfish commonly known as “armored” or “mailed” catfishes, named for the bony plates that replace scales on their bodies. The classification of these fish can be perplexing, and it’s believed that numerous undescribed species exist. Unidentified fish that enter the aquarium trade are often assigned a ‘C’ or ‘CW’ number for reference and organization purposes.
These catfish are unique in that they are facultative air breathers, equipped with a specialized, highly vascularized intestine that has evolved to absorb atmospheric oxygen. This adaptation allows them to survive in environments with low oxygen levels. In an aquarium setting, you may occasionally observe them swimming to the surface to gulp air.
The minimum dimensions of 130*50*50 cm (approximately 47*18*18 inches) are suggested for an Hognose Brochis fish tank. These dimensions ensure that the fish have ample space to swim and thrive in their environment.
Optimal temperature range: 20 – 26 °C (68 – 79 °F)
Ideal pH range: 6.0 – 7.5
Water hardness range: 36 – 215 ppm
For the best substrate, it’s recommended to use fine sand. However, if sand is not available, rounded gravel can serve as an alternative, as long as it is maintained and kept very clean.
When it comes to aquarium décor, personal preferences play a significant role. However, it is crucial to provide some shelter or hiding spots for the fish, which helps them feel more secure in their environment.
Hognose Brochis are compatible with other peaceful, community fish, such as small tetras, rasboras, and livebearers. They should not be kept with aggressive or large predatory fish that may see them as prey.