The emerald catfish is a small species of freshwater fish belonging to the family members of Callichthyidae. Emerald cats are known for their lovely metallic color and their unique shape. This ability to change colors, which is seen in other members of the family, makes them some of the more interesting freshwater fish for aquarists. The emerald cats can be found in small streams and rivers near habitats with dense vegetation.

In 1855, François Louis de la Porte, comte de Castelnau identified it as Callichthys splendens. Brochis coeruleus was another popular name for this plant. W. A. Gosline was the first to believe that the two species were the same in 1940, but it was Njiseen and Isbrücker that united the two in 1970, providing adequate arguments for doing so. Until most of the catfish previously classified as Brochis were reclassified as Corydoras, the species was known as Brochis splendens.  Corydoras splendens is therefore the current accepted classification.

Emerald Catfish Facts

Native to South America’s Amazon Basin (this comprises the Ucayali and Ambiyacu rivers, as well as the region surrounding Iquitos in western Brazil, southeastern Colombia, eastern Ecuador, and eastern Peru.). Brochis splendens is the common name for it. In Brazil, the fish has featured on a stamp.

The fish’s body reflects a metallic green, blue-green, or even a bluish tint depending on the angle of illumination. The ventral portion is yellowish, with yellowish pectoral, ventral, and anal fins and transparent brownish dorsal, caudal, and adipose fins. Females are bigger and more robust than males, with a pinkish belly as contrast to the males’ golden belly.
This fish differs from the green/bronze corydoras catfish by its greater size, stouter body, and more pointed snout.

Emerald Catfish Diet

Sinking catfish pellets, frozen foods such as mosquito larvae and brineshrimp are very appealing to Emerald Catfish.

Emerald Catfish Breeding 

By executing a big, somewhat colder water change, mature groups of one male and numerous females may be induced to spawn. The sticky eggs will then be implanted onto plants, décor, or the aquarium’s sides, and the procedure will be repeated. It usually takes 4-5 days for the eggs to hatch, following which the small fry should be given finely powdered first meals. They will be able to take freshly born brineshrimp a few days later. Many fishkeepers shift the parents to another tank after the eggs have all been placed to prevent predation and guarantee a greater success rate. The young of this species bore little similarity to the adults, with the dorsal fin being much larger and red in coloration, and the body color being extremely mottled. In all means, breeding of Emerald Catfish is a little challenging — try it in soft water.

Emerald Catfish Upkeeping

In freshwater aquariums, the Emerald Catfish (Brochis Splendens) is a common species. It is a calm, undemanding species that may be kept in the same circumstances as the majority of Corydoras species. When maintained as singles, they are timid and easily scared, therefore it is preferable to keep them in small groups of at least three, with more being preferred. The tank should be extensively planted and have just a soft, fine bottom to protect the barbels. Feeding is simple, and they will eat virtually anything, however live worms are preferred. It thrives in a communal tank and does not wreak havoc on the plants.

The Emerald Catfish lives in a tropical environment in water with a pH range of 5.7–8.0.

Water Hardness 2–31 dGH.

Water temperatures vary from 21 to 29 degrees Celsius (72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit).